Dr Russell J. Shiel BSc Hons (Monash University), PhD (University of Adelaide) is an aquatic microfaunal ecologist and former Visiting Research Fellow at the Environment Institute, University of Adelaide (2002-2022).
His expertise lies in the areas of aquatic microfaunal taxonomy and ecology (Rhizopoda, Rotifera, Microcrustacea). Client projects include assessment of downstream impact of mine dewatering, tailings dams, floodwaters or other perturbations on zooplankton and littoral microfauna.
He has authored or co-authored 3 manuals, 23 book chapters, 133 peer-reviewed scientific publications and 50 research reports to date.
1. SHIEL, R.J. (1995). A guide to identification of rotifers, cladocerans and copepods from Australian inland waters. CRCFE Ident. Guide 3, 1-144. MDFRC, Albury.
2. Ingram, B., J.H. Hawking & R.J. SHIEL (1997). Aquatic life in freshwater ponds. CRCFE Ident. Guide 9, 1-105.
3. Griggs, J.A., R.J. SHIEL & R.L. Croome (1999). A guide to the identification of chydorids (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda) from Australian inland waters. Taxonomic Workshop, Feb. 02-04, Murray-Darling Freshwater Res. Centre, Albury: 82 pp.
1. Walker, K.F., J.E. Bishop, R.J. SHIEL & W.D. Williams (1976). Freshwater Invertebrates. In R. Twidale et al. (Eds) Natural History of the Adelaide Region. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Adelaide: 131-41
2. SHIEL, R.J. (1980). Billabongs of the Murray-Darling system. In: W.D. Williams (Ed.) An Ecological Basis for Water Resource Management. ANU Press, Canberra: 376-390.
3. SHIEL, R.J. & K.F. Walker (1984). Zooplankton of regulated and unregulated rivers: the Murray-Darling river system, Australia. pp. 263-70 In: A. Lillehammer & S.J. Saltveit (Eds) Regulated Rivers. Universitetsforlaget AS, Oslo: 263-270.
4. SHIEL, R.J. & W. Koste (1986). Australian Rotifera: Ecology and biogeography. In: P. De Deckker & W.D. Williams (Eds) Limnology in Australia. CSIRO, Melb./Dr W. Junk BV, Dordrecht: 142-150.
5. SHIEL, R.J. (1986). Zooplankton of the Murray-Darling system. Ch. 13A In B. R. Davies & K.F. Walker (Eds) The Ecology of River Systems. Dr W. Junk, Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 661-677.
6. Boon, P.I., J. Frankenberg, T.J. Hillman, R.L. Oliver & R.J. SHIEL (1990). Billabongs. Ch. 11 In N. Mackay & D. Eastburn (Eds) The Murray. Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra: 183-198.
7. SHIEL, R.J. (1990). Zooplankton. Ch. 18 In N. Mackay & D. Eastburn (Eds) The Murray. Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra: 275-284.
8. Fulton, W., P.A. Tyler, S. Chilcott, B. Knott, W. Ponder & R.J. SHIEL (1993). Fauna and flora of the lakes and tarns. Ch. 12 In S.J. Smith & M.R. Banks (Eds) Tasmanian Wilderness – World Heritage Values. R. Soc. Tas., Hobart: 109-113.
9. SHIEL, R.J. (1994). Death and life of the billabong. In K. Collier (Ed.) Restoration of Aquatic Habitats. Dept Cons. , Wellington: 19-37.
10. Griggs, J.A., R.J. SHIEL & R.L. Croome. (1999). Australian Chydoridae (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anomopoda): taxonomic impediments. In: Ponder, W. & Lunney, D. (Eds) The Other 99%. The Conservation and Biodiversity of Invertebrates. Transactions of the Royal Zoological Society of N.S.W., Mosman 2088: 205-209.
11. Halse, S.A., R.J. SHIEL, A.W. Storey, D.H.D. Edward, I. Lansbury, D.J. Cale & M.S. Harvey. (2000). Aquatic invertebrates and waterbirds of wetlands and rivers of the southern Carnarvon-Irwin Basin, Western Australia. In: Burbridge, A.H., M.S. Harvey & N.L. McKenzie (Eds) Biodiversity of the Southern Carnarvon Basin. Rec. W.A. Mus., Suppl. 61, 217-267. W.A. Museum, Perth.
12. Pinder, A.M., S.A. Halse, J.M. McRae, & R.J. SHIEL. (2004). Aquatic invertebrate assemblages of wetlands and rivers in the wheatbelt region of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement. 67, 7-37. W.A. Museum, Perth.
13. Halse, S.A., M.N. Lyons, A.M. Pinder, & R.J. SHIEL. (2004). Biodiversity patterns and their conservation in wetlands of the Western Australian wheatbelt. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 67, 337-364. W.A. Museum, Perth.
14. Kobayashi, T., R.J. SHIEL, A.J. King, & A.G. Miskiewicz. (2009). Chapter 7 “Freshwater zooplankton: diversity and biology”. In: Suthers, I.M. & D. Rissik (Eds) “Plankton – A guide to their ecology and monitoring for water quality”. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne: 157-179.
15. SHIEL, R.J., L. Smales, W. Sterrer, I.C. Duggan, S. Pichelin & J.D. Green (2009) Chapter 8. Phylum Gnathifera ¾ lesser jaw-worms, rotifers, thorny-headed worms. In: Gordon, D.P. (Ed.) New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity, Volume 1. Kingdom Animalia ¾ Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand: 137-158.
16. Walker, K.F., C.P. Madden, C.R. Williams, S.R. Fricker, M.C. Geddes, P.M. Goonan, M.J. Kokkinn, P.K. McEvoy, R.J. SHIEL & V. Tsymbal. (2009). Ch. 10. “Freshwater Invertebrates”. In Jennings, J.T. (Ed.) Natural History of the Riverland and Murraylands. Roy. Soc. Sth Aust.: 283-305.
17. Pinder, A.M., S.A. Halse, R.J. SHIEL & J.M. McRae (2010). An arid zone awash with diversity: patterns in the distribution of aquatic invertebrates in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. In A.S. George, N.L. McKenzie and P. Doughty (Eds) “A Biodiversity Survey of the Pilbara Region of Western Australia, 2002 – 2007”. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 78, 205-246. W.A. Museum, Perth.
18. Webber, R.W., G.D. Fenwick, J.M. Bradford-Grieve, S.H. Eagar, J.S. Buckeridge, G.C.B. Poore, E.W. Dawson, L. Watling, J.B. Jones, J.B.J. Wells, N.L. Bruce, S.T. Ahyong, K. Larsen, M.A. Chapman, J. Olesen, J-S.Ho, J.D. Green, R.J. SHIEL, C.E.F. Rocha, A.-N. Lörz, G.J. Bird, & W.A. Charleston. (2010) Ch. 8 Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Crustacea – shrimps, crabs, lobsters, barnacles, slaters, and kin. In. Gordon, D.P. (Ed.) New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Volume 2. Chaetognatha, Ecdysozoa, Ichnofossils. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand: 98-232.
19. Meisterfeld, R., S.L. Stephenson, R.J. SHIEL, L.-W. Tan & W.A. Charleston. (2012) Ch. 7: Phylum Amoebozoa – amoebas, pelobionts, slime moulds, and kin. in D.P. Gordon, D. (Ed.) New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity. Vol. 3. Kingdoms Bacteria, Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand: 91-105.
21. Leterme, S.C., R.L. Oliver, R.J. SHIEL, D.C. Hemraj, M.C. Geddes, D.J. Furst, K.A. Aldridge, T.C. Barnes & S.D. Wedderburn. (2018). Plankton Communities of the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth. In : Natural History of the Coorong, Lower Lakes, and Murray Mouth region (Yarluwar-Ruwe). Royal Society of South Australia: 273-291. DOI: 10.20851/natural-history-cllmm-3.1
22. SHIEL, R.J., I.C. Duggan, T.W. Snell, D. Fontaneto, R.L.Wallace, (2020). Ch. 8 Phylum Rotifera In D.C. Rogers & J.H. Thorp (Eds) Thorp and Covich’s Freshwater Invertebrates : Volume 5: Keys to Oriental and Oceanic Bioregions Fauna. Academic Press, San Diego.
23. Duggan, I.C. & R.J. SHIEL (2022). Ch. 10. Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Rotifera (wheel animals) inThe Marine Fauna of New Zealand—Marine Biota 2020: updating the New Zealand Inventory of Marine Biodiversity (Michelle Kelly, Sadie Mills, Wendy Nelson & Marianna Terezow, Eds). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir Series.
1. Shiel, R.J. (1976). Associations of Entomostraca with weedbed habitats in a billabong of the Goulburn River, Victoria. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 27, 533-49.
2. Shiel, R.J. (1978). Zooplankton communities of the Murray-Darling river system – a preliminary report. Proc. R. Soc. Vict. 90, 193-202.
3. Shiel, R.J. & W. Koste (1979). Rotifera recorded from Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 103, 57-68.
4. SHIEL, R.J. (1979). Synecology of the Rotifera of the River Murray, S. A. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 30, 255-63.
5. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1980). New Rotifera from Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 104, 133-44.
6. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1980). Preliminary remarks on the rotifer fauna of Notogaea. Hydrobiologia 73, 221-7.
7. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1980). On Brachionus dichotomus Shephard, 1911 (Rotatoria:Brachionidae). Proc. R. Soc. Vict. 91, 127-34.
8. SHIEL, R.J. (1981). Planktonic Rotifera of the Murray-Darling river system: endemism and polymorphism. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 21, 1523-30.
9. Shiel, R.J. (1982). Zooplankton dynamics in Mt Bold Reservoir, South Australia L35 oS. Proc. Plankton Ecology Group, Trondheim, Norway, p. .
10. SHIEL, R.J., K.F. Walker & W.D. Williams (1982). Plankton of the lower River Murray, South Australia. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 33, 301-27. doi:10.1071/MF9820301
11. Koste, W., R.J. SHIEL & M.A. Brock (1983). Rotifera from Western Australian wetlands, with descriptions of two new species. Hydrobiologia 104, 9-17.
12. SHIEL, R.J. (1983). The genus Brachionus (Rotifera: Brachionidae) in Australia, with a description of a new species. Proc. R. Soc. Vict. 95, 33-7.
13. Ganf, G.G., R.J. SHIEL & C.J. Merrick (1983). Parasitism: the possible cause of the collapse of a Volvox population in Mount Bold Reservoir, South Australia. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 34, 489-94.
14. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1983). Morphology, systematics and ecology of new monogonont Rotifera from the Alligator River region, N.T. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 107, 109-21.
15. SHIEL, R.J. & W. Koste (1983). Rotifer communities of billabongs in northern and south-eastern Australia. Hydrobiologia, 104, 41-47.
16. Brock, M.A. & R.J. SHIEL (1983). The composition of aquatic communities in saline wetlands in western Australia. Hydrobiologia 105, 77-84.
17. Tait, R.D., R.J. SHIEL & W. Koste (1984). Structure and dynamics of zooplankton communities, Alligator Rivers region, N.T., Australia. Hydrobiologia 113, 1-13.
18. Dussart, B.H., C.H. Fernando, T. Matsumura-Tundisi & R.J. SHIEL (1984). A review of systematics, distribution and ecology of tropical freshwater zooplankton. Hydrobiologia 113, 77-91.
19. SHIEL, R.J. (1984). Zooplankton of the Darling River system. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 22, 2136-40.
20. SHIEL, R.J. & W. Koste (1985). Records of rotifers epizoic on cladocerans from South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 109, 179-80.
21. Ganf, G.G. & R.J. SHIEL (1985). Feeding behaviour and limb morphology of two cladocerans with small intersetular distances. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 36, 69-86.
22. Ganf, G.G. & R.J. SHIEL (1985). Particle capture by Daphnia carinata. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 36, 371-81.
23. SHIEL, R.J. & W. Koste (1985). New species and new records of Rotifera (Aschelminthes) from Australian waters. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 109, 1-15.
24. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1986). Rotifera from Australian inland waters. I. Bdelloidea (Rotifera:Digononta). Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 37, 765-92.
25. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1986). New Rotifera (Aschelminthes) from Tasmania. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 110, 93-109.
26. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1987). Rotifera from Australian inland waters. II. Epiphanidae and Brachionidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). J. Invert. Taxon. 1, 949-1021.
27. SHIEL, R.J., G.G. Ganf & J.T. Gormley (1987). Particle capture by Daphnia: evidence from high-speed microcinematography. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 23, 2060.
28. SHIEL, R.J. & G.G. Ganf (1987). Inter- and intra-specific variations in limb morphology in some south-east Australian cladocerans: implications for particle capture. Hydrobiologia 145, 85-91.
29. SHIEL, R.J., C.J. Merrick & G.G. Ganf (1987). The Rotifera of impoundments in southeastern Australia. Hydrobiologia 147, 23-29.
30. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1987). Tasmanian Rotifera: affinities with the Australian fauna. Hydrobiologia 147, 31-43.
31. Koste, W., R.J. SHIEL & L.W. Tan (1988). New rotifers (Rotifera) from Tasmania. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 112, 119-131.
32. SHIEL, R.J., W. Koste, & L.W. Tan (1989). Tasmania revisited: rotifer communities and habitat heterogeneity. Hydrobiologia 186/187, 239-245.
33. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1989). Classical taxonomy and modern methodology. Hydrobiologia 186/187, 279-284.
34. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1989). Rotifera from Australian inland waters. III. Euchlanidae, Mytilinidae and Trichotriidae (Rotifera:Monogononta). Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 113, 85-114.
35. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1989). Rotifera from Australian inland waters. IV. Colurellidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 113, 119-143.
36. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1990). Rotifera from Australian inland waters. V. Lecanidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 114, 1-36.
37. Boon, P.I. & R.J. SHIEL (1990). Grazing on bacteria by zooplankton in Australian billabongs. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 41, 247-257.
38. SHIEL, R.J. & W.D. Williams (1990). Species richness in tropical fresh waters of Australia. Hydrobiologia 202, 175-183.
39. Koste, W. & R.J. R.J. SHIEL (1990). Rotifera from Australian inland waters. VI. Proalidae and Lindiidae. (Rotifera:Monogononta). Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 114, 129-143.
40. Hillman, T.J. & R.J. SHIEL (1991). Macro- and microinvertebrates in Australian billabongs. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24, 1581-1587.
41. Koste, W. & R.J. SHIEL (1991). Rotifera from Australian inland waters. VII. Notommatidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 115, 111-159.
42. SHIEL R.J. & W. Koste (1992). Rotifera from Australian inland waters. VIII. Trichocercidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 116, 1-27.
43. Green, J.D. & R.J. SHIEL (1992). Australia’s neglected freshwater microfauna. Australian Biologist 5, 118-123.
44. SHIEL, R.J. (1992) Answer to ‘What Rotifer is That?’ Vict. Nat. 109, 87-88.
45. Green, J.D. & R.J. SHIEL (1992). A dissection method for determining the gut contents of calanoid copepods. Trans. R. Soc. Sth Aust. 116, 129-132
46. SHIEL, R.J. & J.D. Green (1992). Cyanobacteria – a problem in perspective? Vict. Nat. 109, 225-232.
47. SHIEL, R.J. & L. Sanoamuang (1993). Trans-Tasman variation in Australasian Filinia populations. Hydrobiologia 255/256, 455-462.
48. Storey, A.W., S.A. Halse & R.J. SHIEL (1993). The aquatic invertebrate fauna of the Two Peoples Bay area, south-western Australia. J. R. Soc. W.A. 76, 25-32.
49. Tan, L.W. & R.J. SHIEL (1993). Responses of billabong rotifer communities to inundation. Hydrobiologia 255/256, 361-369.
50. King, C.R. & R.J. SHIEL (1993). The functional response of Daphnia carinata King when feeding on the filamentous diatom Melosira granulata. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 44, 761-768.
51. SHIEL, R.J. & W. Koste (1993). Errata, corrigenda, addenda. [Shiel/Koste 1992. Rotifera VIII. Trichocercidae]. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 117, 194.
52. SHIEL, R.J. & W. Koste (1993). Rotifera from Australian inland waters. IX. Gastropodidae, Synchaetidae, Asplanchnidae. Trans. R. Soc. Sth Aust. 117, 111-139.
53. Boon, P.I., S.E. Bunn, J.D. Green & R.J. SHIEL (1994). Ingestion and assimilation of cyanobacteria by freshwater zooplankton and its implications for top-down control of algal blooms. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 45, 875-887.
54. Mussared, D. & R.J. SHIEL (1995). Billabongs – a swag of biodiversity. Geo Australasia 17, 70-80.
55. SHIEL, R.J. (1995). Billabongs. Australasian Science 16(2), 10-13.
56. SHIEL, R.J. & J.A. Dickson (1995). Cladocera recorded from Australia. Trans. R. Soc. Sth. Aust. 119, 29-40.
57. Green, J.D. & R.J. SHIEL (1995). Calanoid copepods as rotifer taxonomists. Quek. J. Microscopy 37, 491-492.
58. Pontin, R. & R.J. SHIEL (1995). Periphytic rotifer communities of an intermittent Australian floodplain pool. Hydrobiologia 313/314, 63-67.
59. Brain, C.K., I. Fourie & R.J. SHIEL (1995). Rotifers of the Kalahari Gemsbok national Park, South Africa. Hydrobiologia 313/314, 319-324.
60. SHIEL, R.J., J.D. Green (1996). Rotifera recorded from New Zealand, 1859-1995, with comments on zoogeography. N.Z. J. Zool. 23, 193-209.
61. Halse, S.A., R.J. SHIEL & G.B. Pearson (1996). Waterbirds and aquatic invertebrates of swamps on the Victoria Bonaparte mudflat, northern Western Australia. J. R. Soc. W.A. 79, 217-224.
62. Kobayashi, T., P. Gibbs, P.I. Dixon & R.J. SHIEL (1996). Grazing by a river zooplankton community: importance of microzooplankton. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 47, 1025-1036.
63. SHIEL, R.J. (1996). Human population growth and over-utilization of the biotic resources of the Murray-Darling River system, Australia. GeoJournal 40, 101-113.
64. Laybourn-Parry, J, M. James, D. McKnight, J. Priscu, S. Spaulding & R.J. SHIEL (1997). The microbial plankton of Lake Fryxell, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica during the summers of 1992 and 1994. Polar Biol. 17, 54-61.
65. SHIEL, R.J., & J.A. Griggs (1997) The taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of Australian chydorids. FBA News (UK Freshwater Biological Assoc) 3: 10–11
66. SHIEL, R.J. (1998). Should we care about microfauna? Water – Australian Water & Wastewater Association 25(3) May/June 1998, 11-12.
67. Williams, W.D., P. De Deckker & R.J. SHIEL (1998). The limnology of Lake Torrens, an episodic salt lake of central Australia, with particular reference to unique events in 1989. Hydrobiologia 384, 101-110.
68. SHIEL, R.J. & J.A. Griggs (1998). Aquatic microfauna from Lake Catani and environs, Mount Buffalo National Park. Vict. Nat. 115(5), 226-230.
69. Kobayashi, T., R.J. SHIEL & P. Gibbs (1998). Size structure of river zooplankton: seasonal variation, overall pattern and functional aspects. Mar. Freshwater Res. 49, 547-552.
70. Kobayashi, T., P. Gibbs & R.J. SHIEL (1998). Daytime vertical distribution of microzooplankton in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 120, 129-138.
71. Kobayashi, T., R.J. SHIEL, P. Gibbs and P.I. Dixon (1998). Freshwater zooplankton in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River: comparison of community structure with other rivers. Hydrobiologia 377, 133-145.
72. Halse, S.A., R.J. SHIEL & W.D. Williams (1998). The relationship between salinity, ionic composition and the invertebrate fauna of Lake Gregory. In Zheng Mianping, S.H.Hurlbert and W.D.Williams (eds): Saline Lakes VI. Hydrobiologia 381, 15-29.
73. SHIEL, R.J., J.D. Green & D.L. Nielsen (1998). Floodplain biodiversity: why are there so many species? Hydrobiologia 387, 39-46.
74. Duggan, I.C., J.D. Green, K. Thompson & R.J. SHIEL (1998). Rotifers in relation to littoral ecotone structure in Lake Rotomanuka, New Zealand. Hydrobiologia 387, 179-197.
75. Nielsen, D.L., R.J. SHIEL & F.J. Smith (1998). Ecology versus taxonomy: is there a middle ground? Hydrobiologia 387, 451-457.
76. Gibbons, M.J., B.B, Abiahy, M. Angel, C.M.L. Assuncao, I. Bartsch, P. Best, R. Biseswar, J. Bouillon, J.M. Bradford-Grieve, W. Branch, W., et al. (1999). The taxonomic richness of South Africa’s marine fauna: a crisis at hand. S. Afr. J. Sci. 95, 8–12.
77. Green, J.D., R.J. SHIEL & R.A. Littler (1999). Boeckella major (Copepoda: Calanoida): a predator in Australian ephemeral pools. Arch. Hydrobiol. 145, 181-196.
78. Green, J.D. & R.J. SHIEL (1999). Mouthpart morphology of three calanoid copepods from Australian temporary pools: evidence for carnivory. N.Z. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 33, 385-398.
79. Nielsen, D.L., F.J. Smith, T.J. Hillman & R.J. SHIEL (2000). Impact of water regime and fish predation on zooplankton resting egg production and emergence. J. Plankt. Res. 22, 433-446.
80. Halse, S.A., G.B. Pearson, J.M. McRae & R.J. SHIEL (2000). Monitoring aquatic invertebrates and waterbirds at Lakes Toolibin and Walbyring in the Western Australian wheatbelt. J. R. Soc. W.A. 83, 17-28.
81. Nielsen, D.L., T.J. Hillman, F.J. Smith & R.J. SHIEL (2000). The influence of a planktivorous fish on zooplankton assemblages in experimental billabongs. Hydrobiologia 434, 1-9.
82. Green, J.D. & R.J. SHIEL (2000). Mobiline peritrich riders on Australian calanoid copepods. Hydrobiologia. 437, 203-212.
83 Pinder, A.M., S.A. Halse, R.J. SHIEL & J.M. McRae (2000). Granite outcrop pools in south-western Australia: foci of diversification and refugia for aquatic invertebrates. J. R. Soc. W.A. 83, 149-161.
84. Duggan, I.C., J.D. Green, K. Thompson & R.J. SHIEL (2001). The influence of macrophytes on the spatial distribution of littoral rotifers. Freshw. Biol. 46, 777-786.
85. Duggan, I.C., J.D. Green & R.J. SHIEL (2001). Distribution of rotifers in North Island, New Zealand, and their potential use as bioindicators of lake trophic state. Hydrobiologia 446, 155-164[also as volume of Developments in Hydrobiology].
86. Langley, J.M., R.J.SHIEL, D.L.Nielsen & J.D.Green (2001). Hatching from the sediment egg-bank, or aerial dispersing? – the use of mesocosms in assessing rotifer biodiversity. Hydrobiologia 446, 203-211. [Also as volume of Developments in Hydrobiology].
87. Fabbro, L., M. Baker, L. Duivenvoorden, G. Pegg & R. SHIEL (2001). The effects of the ciliate Paramecium cf. caudatum Ehrenberg on toxin producing Cylindrospermopsis isolated from the Fitzroy River, Australia. Environ. Toxicol. 16, 489-497.
88. Walsh, R.G.J., R.J. SHIEL & P.A. Tyler (2001). Reconnaisance limnology of Tasmania VII. Coastal lagoons of Bass Strait islands, with reference to endemic microflora and microfauna. Arch. Hydrobiol. 152, 489-510.
89. SHIEL, R.J., J.D. Green & L.W. Tan (2001). Microfaunal and resting stage heterogeneity in ephemeral pools, upper River Murray floodplain. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 27, 3738-3741.
90. Green, J.D. & R.J. SHIEL (2001) Predation by the centropagid calanoid, Boeckella major, structuring microinvertebrate communities in the absence of fish. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 27, 3691-3693.
91. Hillman, T.J. & R.J. Shiel (2001). Macro- and microinvertebrate communities in temporary and permanent billabongs in a floodplain forest: response to inundation. Abstract. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 27, 4042.
92. Duggan, I.C., J.D. Green & R.J. SHIEL (2002). Distribution of rotifer assemblages in North Island, New Zealand, lakes: relationship to environmental and historical factors. Freshw. Biol. 47, 195-206.
93. Duggan, I.C., J.D. Green & R.J. SHIEL (2002). Rotifer resting egg densities in lakes of different trophic state, and their assessment using emergence and egg counts. Arch. Hydrobiol. 153: 409-420.
94. SHIEL, R.J. (2002). Murray River microfauna. The Victorian Naturalist 119, 205-211.
95. Nielsen, D.L., T.J. Hillman, F.J. Smith & R.J. SHIEL (2002). The influence of seasonality and duration of flooding on zooplankton in experimental billabongs. Riv. Res. Applic. 18, 227-237.
96. Halse, S.A., D.J. Cale. E.J. Jasinska & R.J. SHIEL. (2002). Monitoring change in aquatic invertebrate biodiversity: sample size, faunal elements and analytical methods. Aquatic Ecology 36, 395-410.
97. Pinder, A.M., S.A. Halse, J.M. McRae & R.J. SHIEL (2002). Halophile aquatic invertebrates in the Wheatbelt region of south-western Australia. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 28, 1687-1694.
98. Brock, M.A. D.L. Nielsen, R.J. SHIEL, John D. Green, John M. Langley (2003). Drought and aquatic community resilience: the role of eggs and seeds in sediments of temporary wetlands Freshwater Biology 48, 1207-1218.
99. Ricci C., R.J. SHIEL, D. Fontaneto & G. Melone (2003). Bdelloid rotifers recorded from Australia with description of Philodinavus aussiensis n. sp. Zoologische Anzeiger 242, 241-248.
100. Segers, H. & R.J. SHIEL (2003). Microfaunal diversity in a biodiversity hotspot: New rotifers from South-western Australia Zoological Studies 42(4): 516-521.
101. Walsh, R.G.J., R.J. SHIEL & P.A. Tyler. (2004). Reconnaisance limnology of TasmaniaVIII.Tasmanian coastal lagoons – epicentres of endemism in the Australian aquatic microbiota. Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tas.138, 67-76.
102. Blinn, D.W., S.A. Halse, A.M. Pinder, R.J. SHIEL & J.M. McRae. (2004). Diatom and microinvertebrate communities and environmental determinants in the Western Australian wheatbelt: a response to secondary salinisation. Hydrobiologia 528: 229-248.
103. Costelloe, J.F., J. Powling, J.R. Reid, R.J. Shiel & P. Hudson. (2005). Algal diversity and assemblages in arid zone rivers of the Lake Eyre Basin, Australia. River Research and Applications 21: 337-349.
104. Pinder, A.M., S.A. Halse, J.M. McRae & R.J. Shiel (2005). Occurrence of aquatic invertebrates of the wheatbelt region of Western Australia in relation to salinity. Hydrobiologia 543, 1-24.
105. Walsh, E., R.L. Wallace & R.J. SHIEL. (2005) Toward a better understanding of the phylogeny of the Asplanchnidae (Rotifera). Hydrobiologia. 546, 71-80 [also as Developments in Hydrobiology 181].
106. Segers, H. & R.J. SHIEL. (2005). Tale of a sleeping beauty: a new and easily cultured model organism for experimental studies on bdelloid rotifers. Hydrobiologia 546, 141-145 [also as Developments in Hydrobiology 181].
107. Saengphan, N., R.J. SHIEL & L. Sanoamuang. (2005). The cyst hatching pattern of the Thai fairy shrimp, Branchinella thailandensis Sanoamuang, Saengphan & Murugan, 2002 (Anostraca). Crustaceana 78, 513-523.
108. SHIEL, R.J., J.F. Costelloe, J.R.W. Reid, P. Hudson & J. Powling (2006). Zooplankton diversity and assemblages in arid zone rivers of the Lake Eyre Basin, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 57, 49-60.
109. Van Damme, K., R.J. SHIEL & H.J. Dumont (2007). Notothrix halsei gen. n., sp. n., representative of a new family of freshwater cladocerans (Branchiopoda, Anomopoda) from SW-Australia, with a discussion of ancestral traits and a preliminary molecular phylogeny of the order. Zoologica Scripta 36, 465-487.
110. Van Damme, K., R.J. SHIEL & H.J. Dumont (2007). Corrigendum. Gondwanotrichidae nom. nov. pro Nototrichidae Van Damme, Shiel & Dumont, 2007. Zoologica Scripta 36, 623.
111. Kobayashi, T., R.J. SHIEL & H. Segers (2007). First record of the rotifer Lecane shieli Segers & Sanoamuang, 1994 from Australia. Australian Zoologist 34, 181-183.
112. Bayly, I.A.E. & R.J. SHIEL (2008). Intersexuality in Boeckella triarticulata (Thomson) (Copepoda: Calanoida): a trap for unwary taxonomists. Crustaceana 81,299-304.
113. Segers, H. & R.J. SHIEL (2008). Diversity of cryptic Metazoa in Australian freshwaters: a new genus and two new species of sessile rotifer (Rotifera, Monogononta, Gnesiotrocha, Flosculariidae). Zootaxa 1750, 19-31.
114. Sinev, A.Y & R.J. SHIEL (2008). Redescription of Alona macracantha Smirnov and Timms, 1983 and its assignment to Maraura gen. n. (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Chydoridae). J. Nat. Hist. 42, 2809-2824.
115. Storey, A.W., S.A Halse, R.J SHIEL & S. Creagh. (2011). Aquatic fauna and water chemistry of the mound springs and wetlands of Mandora Marsh, north-western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 94: 455–473.
116. Sinev, A.Y. & R.J. SHIEL. (2012) Extremalona timmsi gen. nov., sp. nov., a new cladoceran (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Chydoridae) from an acid saline lake in southwest Western Australia. J. Nat. Hist. 46: 2845-2865.
117. Wedderburn, S.D., K.A. Hillyard & R.J. SHIEL. (2013) Zooplankton response to flooding of a drought refuge and implications for the endangered fish species Craterocephalus fluviatilis cohabiting with alien Gambusia holbrooki. Aquatic Ecology 47: 263-275. on line 08 June 2013: DOI 10.1007/s10452-013-9442-3.
118. Quin, R., A. Watt & R. SHIEL (2013) Zooplankton in Lakes Alexandrina and Albert. Wetlands Australia 23 (July 2013): 35-36.
119. SHIEL, R.J. (2013) Images from the D.G. Frey collection. Cladocera News 1(4): 6
120. Furst, D.J., K.T. Aldridge, R.J. SHIEL, G.G. Ganf, S. Mills & J.D. Brookes (2014) Floodplain connectivity facilitates significant export of zooplankton to the main River Murray channel during a flood event. Inland Waters 4(4): 413-424. On line 07 Oct. 2014: DOI 10.5268/IW-4.4.696
121. Kobayashi, T., T.J. Ralph, D.S. Ryder, S.J. Hunter, R.J. SHIEL & H. Segers. (2015) Spatial dissimilarities in plankton structure and function during flood pulses in a semi-arid wetland system. Hydrobiologia 747(1): 19-31. On line 19 November 2014: DOI 10.1007/s10750-014-2119-7.
122. Delaney, J., R.J.SHIEL & A.W. Storey (2015) Prioritising wetlands subject to secondary salinization for ongoing management using aquatic invertebrate assemblages: a case study from the Wheatbelt Region of Western Australia. Wetlands Ecol. Manage 24(1): 15-32.On line 29 July 2015: DOI 10.1007/s11273-015-9447-x
124. Mills, S., J. Arturo Alcántara-Rodríguez, Jorge Ciros-Pérez, Africa Gómez, Atsushi Hagiwara, Kayla Hinson Galindo, Christian D. Jersabek, Reza Malekzadeh-Viayeh, Francesca Leasi, Jae-Seong Lee, David B. Mark Welch, Spiros Papakostas, Simone Riss, Hendrik Segers, Manuel Serra, Russell Shiel, Radoslav Smolak, Terry W. Snell, Claus-Peter Stelzer, Cuong Q. Tang, Robert L. Wallace, Diego Fontaneto, Elizabeth J. Walsh. (2016) Fifteen species in one: deciphering the Brachionus plicatilis species complex (Rotifera, Monogononta) through DNA taxonomy. Rotifera XIV: 1-20/HydrobiologiaOn line March 2016: DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2725-7
125. Karabanov, D.P., E.I. Bekker, R.J. SHIEL & A.A. Kotov (2018). Invasion of a Holarctic planktonic cladoceran Daphnia galeata Sars (Crustacea: Cladocera) in the Lower Lakes of South Australia. Zootaxa 4402(1): 136-148. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4402.1.6
126. Wedderburn, S.D., N.S. Whiterod, T.C. Barnes & R.J. SHIEL (2020). Ecological aspects related to reintroductions to avert the extirpation of a freshwater fish from a large floodplain river. Aquatic Ecology 54, 281-294. On line Jan 02 2020: 10.1007/s10452-019-09742-z
127. Kobayashi T, M. Krogh, H. II, R.J. SHIEL , H. Segers, H. Ling, S.J. Hunter, & T. Pritchard (2020). Zooplankton species richness and abiotic conditions in Thirlmere Lakes, New South Wales, Australia, with reference to water-level fluctuations. Australian Zoologist. On line July 09 2020: https://doi.org/10.7882/AZ.2020.020
128. Kim, M.S., Y.H, Lee, D.H. Kim, H.J. Kimb, R.J.SHIEL, A. Hagiwara, & J.-S. Lee. (2021). Complete mitochondrial genome of two marine monogonont rotifer Brachionus manjavacas strains. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6(7): 1921-1923. On Line date https://doi.org/10.1080/23802359.2021.1935349
129. Karabanov, D.P., E.I. Bekker, P.G. Garibian, R.J. SHIEL, T. Kobayashi, D.J. Taylor &A.A.Kotov (2022). Multiple recent colonizations of the Australian region by the Chydorus sphaericus group (Crustacea: Cladocera). Water 14(4): 594-612.On line 15 Feb 2022. DOI: 10.3390/w14040594
130. Kotov, A.A., P.G. Garibian, R.J. SHIEL & R. Walsh (2022). A new redescription of Daphnia pusilla (Serventy, 1929) (Cladocera: Daphniidae) with emphasis on the thoracic limbs of Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) Dybowski & Grochowski, 1895. Zootaxa 5125(1), 020-036.On line 07 Apr 2022. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5125.1.2
131. Kobayashi, T., J. Miller, R.J. SHIEL, H. Segers & S.J. Hunter. (2023). Diversity of wetland zooplankton in the Lachlan River catchment, New South Wales, Australia. Australian Zoologist 43(1), 123-141. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7882/AZ.2023.021
132. Dadykin, I.A., C.N. Dinh, R.J. SHIEL & A.A. Kotov. (2024). Redescription of Ilyocryptus raridentatus Smirnov, 1989 (Cladocera: Ilyocryptidae). Zootaxa 5468(2), 331-349. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5468.2.5
133. Kotov, A.A, P.G. Garabian, I.A. Dadykin, V.A. Gusakov C.N. Dinh, T.V. Tien, G.H. J & R.J. SHIEL. (2024). Species distribution ranges of Ilyocryptus Sars, 1862 (Cladocera: Ilyocryptidae) fit the transitional zone between Boreal and Tropical Provinces in the Far East. Zootaxa 5471(2), 232–240. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5471.2.3
1989: SHIEL, R.J. & L.W. Tan “Planktonic and littoral microfauna of waters in the World Heritage Area, S.W. Tasmania: preliminary report.” Directed Wildlife Research Program [Report to Department of Lands, Parks & Wildlife, Hobart. 26 pp.]
1990: SHIEL, R.J. “Microplankton grazing and planktonic community structure”. AWRAC Research Project 85/96 Final Report. [Dept Primary Industries and Energy, Canberra. 10 pp. ]
1992: Bowling, L.C., P. Cullen, J.D. Green, B. Hart, G. McKay, R. Oliver, R.J. SHIEL & R. Wasson. “Observations on cyanobacterial blooms, Bourke Weir Pool, December 1991”. Appendix I, Blue-Green Algae, Final Report – Appendices, August 1992. N.S.W. [Blue-Green Algae Task Force, Dept of Water Resources, Parramatta.]
1993: SHIEL, R.J. “L. Eildon, Goulburn Weir and Goulburn R. microfauna”. Report to AEAM Ecology Task Group – Goulburn R. [State Water Laboratory of Victoria, 21/10/93.]
1994: Briggs, S.V., I. Tooth, J. Hillman & R.J. SHIEL. “Impacts of farming dry lakebeds on aestivating wetland invertebrates”. In S.V. Briggs Ecological Management of Lakebed Cropping. [Report to NP&WS/Environmental Trusts, N.S.W, Sept. 1994: 45-56.]
1997: Fabbro, L.D., R.J. SHIEL & L.J. Duivenvoorden. “6. Biological assessment of the Fitzroy River system: phytoplankton.” In R.M. Noble, L.J. Duivenvoorden, S.K. Rummenie, P.E. Long & L.D. Fabbro, Downstream effects of land use in the Fitzroy Catchment. November 1993 – June 1996. [National Landcare Project Summary Report.]
1998: Gibbons, M.J. et al. [incl. R..J. SHIEL] “The taxonomic richness of Sth Africa’s marine fauna: a crisis at hand.” [FRD Report, Pretoria]
1998: Sherman, B., P. Ford, P. Hatton, J. Whittington, D. Green, D. Baldwin, R. Oliver, R. SHIEL, J. van Berkel, R. Beckett & L. Grey. “The Chaffey Dam Story.” [Draft final report for CRCFE projects B.202 and B. 203. 98 pp.]
1998: Reid, J. & J. Gillen. “The Coongie Lakes Study” [RJS completed microfaunal component]
2002: Croome, R.L. & R.J. SHIEL. “Lake Leake and Tooms Lake. An examination of water quality and plankton, comparing 2001/02 with 1970/71.” [Report to regional Council, NE Tasmania.]
2003: McCullough, C.D., C.L.Humphrey, A. Hogan, C. Camilleri, M.M. Douglas, P. Gell, R. Shiel & R. van Dam. Internal presentation on toxicity of MgSO4 to Magela Creek, NT: laboratory and field results to date. Internal Report 410. Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist. March 2003. 33 pp.
2004: Storey, A.W., R.J. SHIEL & J. Lynas “Wetland invertebrate fauna monitoring: November 2003. Data analysis and interpretation.” Buntine-Marchagee aquatic invertebrate survey. Report to Dept of Conservation and Land Management, W.A. (Mid-west Regional Office), May 2004. 35 pp.
2004: Storey, A.W., R.J. SHIEL & J. Lynas “Wetland invertebrate fauna monitoring: August 2004.” Report on the Buntine-Marchagee Natural Diversity Recovery Catchment (BMRC) monitoring to Dept of Conservation and Land Management, W.A. (Mid-west Regional Office), December 2004. 71 pp.
2005: Storey, A.W., S. Creagh, J. Lynas & R.J. SHIEL “Baseline aquatic biology and water quality study of Jones Creek, including the southwest claypan area.” [Report on the Yakabindie Nickel Project to Nickel West/BHP Billiton, W.A., 16 September 2005. 61 pp.]
2005: Storey, A.W., R.J. SHIEL, J. Lynas & L. Chandler “Wetland invertebrate fauna monitoring: August 2005.” Report on the Buntine-Marchagee Natural Diversity Recovery Catchment (BMRC) monitoring to Dept of Conservation and Land Management, W.A. (Mid-west Regional Office), December 2005. 00 pp.
2005: Chandler, L., R.J. SHIEL & A.W. Storey “Aquatic fauna survey of Gumboot Bay Creek.” Report for B. & R. Ellison, The Bush Camp, Kununurra, WA. Sept. 2005. 35 pp.
2006: Lynas, J., A.W. Storey & R.J. SHIEL. “Wetland invertebrate fauna monitoring: August 2005.” [Report on the Buntine-Marchagee Natural Diversity Recovery Catchment (BMRC) monitoring to Dept of Conservation and Land Management, W.A. (Mid-west Regional Office), Jan. 2006. 91 pp.]
2007: Costelloe, J.F. et al. “Aridflo Scientific Report. Environmental flow requirements of arid zone rivers with particular reference to the Lake Eyre drainage basin.” Dept. of Water, Land & Biodiversity Conservation, Adelaide. Jan. 2007. 827 pp. [RJS provided microfaunal expertise].
2007: Wetland Research & Management (incl. A.W. Storey, G. Przybylska, R.J. SHIEL, L. Chandler & J. Lynas) “Floodplain impact study: assessment of ecological health of control and exposed forested oxbow lakes using plankton & aquatic invertebrate assemblages.” Prepared for Ok Tedi Mining Ltd, July 2007: 80 pp.
2008: Wetland Research & Management (incl. A.W. Storey & R.J. SHIEL) “Assessment of ecological condition of Lake Ned, Forrestania” prepared on behalf of Western Areas NL Forrestania Nickel Project, May 2008, 36 pp.
2008: Bailey, V., D. Cook, J. Powling, M. Casanova, R. SHIEL, B. Timms, C. Watts, A. Kerezsy, & W. Williiams. Cravens Peak Scientific Study – aquatic survey April 2007. Survey hosted by Queensland Royal Geographic Society, with logistic support from the Queensland EPA and Desert Channels Queensland: 56 pp.
2009: Brookes, J., K. Aldridge, G. Ganf, D. Paton, R. SHIEL, and S. Wedderburn. Environmental Watering for Food Webs in The Living Murray Icon Sites. A literature review and identification of research priorities relevant to the environmental watering actions of flow enhancement and retaining floodwater on floodplains. Report to the Murray–Darling Basin Authority, Project number MD1253. MDBA Publication No. 11/12. ISBN (on‑line) 978-1-922068-12-5. 85 pp.
2010: Wetland Research & Management (incl. A.W. Storey, R.J. SHIEL et al. “Aquatic fauna assessment 2009 – creeks and billabongs downstream of Ranger Uranium Mine.” Draft report prepared for EWL Sciences P/L, Darwin, Jan. 2010, 137 pp. Final report April 2010, 123 pp.
2010: SHIEL, R.J. Lower Murray, Lower Lakes & Coorong zooplankton: a review. Report to Dept for Environment & Heritage, S.A. Mar. 2010: 14 pp.
2010: Wedderburn, S., R. SHIEL, K. Hillyard & J. Brookes. Zooplankton response to watering of an off-channel site at the Lower Lakes and implications for Murray hardyhead recruitment. Report to NRM Board, S.A. 52 pp. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4874.8169
2011: Strehlow, K., J. O’Connor & R. SHIEL. Macro and microinvertebrate survey: Munday Swamp, Runway Swamp, Northern Wetland and Constructed Wetland at Perth Airport. Final report to Perth Airport, Westralia Airport Corporation. 44 pp.
2011: SHIEL, R.J. & K.T. Aldridge. The response of zooplankton communities in the North Lagoon of the Coorong and Murray Mouth to barrage releases from the Lower Lakes, November 2010 – January 2011. Final report to Dept of Envt & Natural Resources, Adelaide: 50 pp. incl. appendices. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.5177.9206
2013: SHIEL, R.J. & L-W. Tan. Zooplankton response monitoring: Lower Lakes, Coorong and Murray Mouth October 2011 – April 2012. Final report to Dept of Envt, Water & Natural Resources, Adelaide: 49 pp. incl. appendices. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4129.3440
2013: SHIEL, R.J. & L-W. Tan. Zooplankton response monitoring: Lower Lakes, Coorong and Murray Mouth September 2012 – March 2013. Final report to Dept of Envt, Water & Natural Resources, Adelaide: 41 pp. incl. appendices. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3080.7685
2013: Oliver, R., Z. Lorenz, D. Nielsen, R. SHIEL & K. Aldridge. Report on the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth 2012-13 Microalgae and Water Quality Monitoring Data: A Multivariate Analysis in the Context of the Millennium Drought. Report prepared for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Government of South Australia. 50 pp.
2013: Pinder, A.M, K. Quinlan, D.J. Cale & R.J. SHIEL. Invertebrate communities and hydrological persistence in seasonal claypans of Drummond Nature Reserve, Western Australia. Final report to Dept of Parks and Wildlife, Govt of W.A. 34 pp. Dec,
2014: Ye, Qifeng, · Juan Livore, · Kane Aldridge, · T Bradford, · B Busch, · Jason Earl, · M Hipsey, · E Hoffmann,· K Joehnk, · Jason Nicol, · Rod Oliver, · Russell Shiel, · L Suitor, · L Tan, · Rebecca Turner, · Irene Wagner. Monitoring the ecological responses to Commonwealth environmental water delivered to the Lower Murray River in 2012-13: Report 2. Report prepared by the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Aquatic Sciences, for the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office. Dec., 172 pp.
2014: Oliver, R.L., Z. Lorenz, D.L. Nielsen,. R.J. SHIEL. Multivariate analyses of the microalgae, zooplankton and water quality monitoring data from the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth: analysing environmental perturbations in a connected river, lake and estuarine system.Report prepared for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Government of South Australia 94 pp. incl. appendices. July.
2015: SHIEL, R.J. & P. McEvoy. Conceptual understanding of CLLMM zooplankton structure and function. Synthesis notes. DEWNR, S.A. 21 Oct. 2015, 5 pp.
2015: Ye, Q., J.P. Livore, K.T. Aldridge, T. Bradford, B. Busch, J. Earl, M. Hipsey, E. Hoffmann, K. Joehnk, Z. Lorenz, J. Nicol, R. Oliver, R. SHIEL, L. Suitor, L.W. Tan, I. Wegener, P.J. Wilson & B.P. Zampatti. Monitoring the ecological responses to Commonwealth environmental water delivered to the Lower Murray River in 2012-13: Report 3. Final report prepared by the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Aquatic Sciences, for the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office. June, 186 pp.
2015: Ye, Q., G. Giatas, K. Aldridge, B. Busch, M. Gibbs, M. Hipsey, Z. Lorenz, R. Oliver, R. SHIEL, and B. Zampatti. Long-term intervention monitoring for the ecological responses to Commonwealth Environmental Water delivered to the Lower Murray River Selected Area in 2014/15. A draft report prepared for Commonwealth Environmental Water Office. South Australian Research and Development Institute, Aquatic Sciences. 162 pp., Dec.
2016: Wedderburn, S., T. Barnes & R. SHIEL. Ecological responses to managed lake water levels coinciding with restocking of Yarra pygmy perch. Report to the Living Murray Initiative and the South Australian Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources. 30 pp. Jun.
2016: Ye, Q., G. Giatas, K. Aldridge, B. Busch, M. Gibbs, M. Hipsey, Z. Lorenz, R. Oliver, R. SHIEL, and B. Zampatti. Long-term intervention monitoring of the ecological responses to Commonwealth Environmental Water delivered to the Lower Murray River Selected Area in 2015/16. A report prepared for the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office. South Australian Research and Development Institute, Aquatic Sciences. 198 pp., Dec.
2017: Wedderburn, S., J. Nicol & R. SHIEL. Assessing obligate habitat of threatened Pygmy Perches in Lake Alexandrina. Report to the Murray–Darling Basin Authority and the South Australian Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources. 19 pp. June
2017: Pinder, A.M., M.L. Lyons, M. Collins, L. Lewis, K. Quinlan, R.J. SHIEL, R. Coppen & F. Thompson. Wetland biodiversity patterning along the middle Fortescue Valley (Pilbara: Western Australia) to inform conservation planning. Dept of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Perth. Prepared for Rangelands NRM Western Australia. 68 pp & appendices. July.
2017. Ye, Q., G. Giatas, K. Aldridge, B. Busch, J. Brookes, M. Gibbs, M. Hipsey, Z. Lorenz, R. Maas, R. Oliver, R. Shiel, J. Woodhead and B. Zampatti. Long-Term Intervention Monitoring of the Ecological Responses to Commonwealth Environmental Water Delivered to the Lower Murray River Selected Area in 2016/17. A report prepared for the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office. South Australian Research and Development Institute, Aquatic Sciences. 199 pp. Dec.
2018. Ye, Q., G. Giatas, K. Aldridge, B. Busch, J. Brookes, M. Gibbs, M. Hipsey, Z. Lorenz, R. Maas, R. Oliver, R. Shiel, J. Woodhead and B. Zampatti. Long-term Intervention Monitoring of the Ecological Responses to Commonwealth Environmental Water Delivered to the Lower Murray River Selected Area in 2017-18. A draft report prepared for the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office by the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Aquatic Sciences. 118 pp. Dec.
2019. Pinder, A., K. Quinlan, R. SHIEL & L. Lewis. A survey of aquatic invertebrates of Nimalarragan wetland north of Broome. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Perth. July.
2020. Pinder, A., L. Lewis, R.J. SHIEL. Aquatic invertebrates of three wetlands in the Great Sandy Desert sampled in September 2018. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Perth. 9 pp. January.
2020. Pinder, A., K. Quinlan, R. SHIEL & L. Lewis. Ch. 3 Aquatic invertebrates IN Biodiversity survey, mapping, delineation and assessment of selected organic mound springs of the Kimberley Region. Biodiversity and Conservation Science, Dept of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, W.A.: 20-47. February.
2020. Ye, Q., G. Giatas, J. Brookes, D. Furst, M. Gibbs, R. Oliver, R. SHIEL, B. Zampatti, K. Aldridge, L. Bucater, B. Busch, M. Hipsey, Z. Lorenz, R. Maas and J. Woodhead. Commonwealth Environmental Water Office Long-Term Intervention Monitoring Project 2014–2019: Lower Murray River Technical Report. A report prepared for the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office by the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Aquatic Sciences.
2021. Ye, Q., G. Giatas, C. Bice, J. Brookes, D. Furst, M. Gibbs, J. Nicol, R. Oliver, R. SHIEL, B. Zampatti, L. Bucater, D. Deane, M. Hipsey, P. Huang, Z. Lorenz, and S. Zhai, Commonwealth Environmental Water Office Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Project: Lower Murray 2019-20 Technical Report. A report prepared for the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office by the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Aquatic Sciences.
1999: Pinder AM, McRae JM, Halse SA, Pennifold M, Shiel R.J. Aquatic invertebrate assemblages of the wheatbelt region of Western Australia (ABSTRACT). In Conference Programme & Abstracts: Sustainable Freshwater Ecosystems: the New Millennium: New Zealand Limnological Society and Australian Society of Limnology Joint Annual Conference, 29 November 1999-2 December 1999, North Island, New Zealand p. 73.
2001: Pinder AM, Halse SA, Shiel RJ, McRae JM, Cale DJ, Pennifold M.G. Diversity, endemism and conservation of the invertebrate fauna of saline wetlands in south-western Australia (ABSTRACT). In Book of Abstracts: Societas Internationalis Limnologiae 2001, XXVIII Congress, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia p. 167
2002: Pinder AM, Halse SA, McRae JM, SHIEL R.J. Aquatic invertebrate assemblages of the wheatbelt region of Western Australia (ABSTRACT). In Congress Programme & Abstracts: Australian Society for Limnology 2002 Congress: Answering the Critical Challenges: held at the Emerald Colonial Lodge, Margaret River, Western Australia, September 29th to October 3rd, 2002 p. 59
2008: Pinder, A.M., R.J. SHIEL, J.M. McRae. An arid zone awash with diversity (ABSTRACT). In ASL 47th Congress – Keeping aquatic ecosystems on Australia’s water management agenda; handbook & abstracts. Mandurah WA, 29 Sept-03 Oct 2008, p. 69
2011:Kobayashi T., R.J. SHIEL, H. Segers, A. Sinev & A. Kotov. Aquatic microinvertebrates in floodplain wetlands following inundations: species diversity and their ecological signals. Response of Wetlands to Rewetting Following Extensive Drought Conference, 22-23 November, Sydney.
2011: Duggan I.C., I.D. Hogg, M.A. Knox, J.C. Banks, N.J. Demetras, T. Escovar, C.M. Taylor, S.M. Parkes, T. Kobayashi & R.J. SHIEL. Using DNA barcodes to identify native and introduced calanoid copepods in Australia and New Zealand. Fourth International Barcode of Life Conference, the University of Adelaide, 28 November-3 December, Adelaide.
2013: Ismail, A.H., R.J. Shiel, F. Recknagel. Zooplankton distribution and species diversity in Myponga Reservoir, South Australia. Global Conference on Agriculture Economics and Environment Research (GCAEER 2013). Concord Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September.
2014: Ismail, A.H., R.J. Shiel, F. Recknagel. Community Structure of Zooplankton in a Drinking Water Reservoir. Annual International Conference on Ecology, Biodiversity and Environment (CEBE). Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore, December. DOI: 10.5176/0000-0000_CEBE14.20
2018: Kobayashi, T. M. Krogh, H. II, R.J. SHIEL, H. Segers, J. Ling, & T. Pritchard. Zooplankton and physico-chemical conditions of Lake Werri Berri and Lake Nerrigorang in Thirlmere Lakes. AFSS, Adelaide, 25 Sept.
2018: Nielsen, D., J. Portinho, R. SHIEL & N. Ning. Do zooplankton disperse readily in temperate lowland rivers? AFSS, Adelaide, 25 Sept.
2018: SHIEL, R.J. & T. Kobayashi. Australia’s Rotifera Revisited. (Poster) AFSS, Adelaide, 25 Sept.
2018: SHIEL, R.J., G. Giatas & Q. Ye. Lower Murray zooplankton – flow-related spatio-temporal biodiversity. AFSS, Adelaide, 25 September.
2019: SHIEL, R.J. & T. Kobayashi. Cladocera in Australian inland waters: the current state of species diversity and taxonomy. AFSS/NZFSS, Waurn Ponds, Vic. 04 December.
2020: Kobayashi,T., J. Miller, S.J. Hunter, T.J. Ralph, R.J. SHIEL & H. Segers. Species richness of aquatic microfauna in inland floodplain wetlands: relationships with longitude, latitude and elevation. Ecological Society of Japan, Nagoya, March.
2020:Kobayashi, T., M. Krogh, R.J. SHIEL, H. Segers, J. Ling, S.J. Hunter & T. Pritchard. Zooplankton species richness and abiotic conditions in Thirlmere Lakes, southwest of Sydney, Australia, with reference to water-level fluctuations. Japan Wetland Society, September, online.
2021: Kobayashi, T., T. Rogers, S.M. Mitrovic, R.J. SHIEL & S.J. Hunter. Newly recorded rotifer Keratella americana Carlin, 1943 in southeast Australia. American Society for Limnology & Oceanography. June [virtual]
2021: Kobayashi, T., J. Miller, R.J. SHIEL, H. Segers & S.J. Hunter. Species diversity and conservation of wetland zooplankton in an Australian inland catchment. Japan Wetland Society, online 11 Sept.
2021. Kobayashi, T., T. Rogers, S.M. Mitrovic, R.J. SHIEL & S.J. Hunter. Newly recorded rotifer Keratella americana Carlin, 1943 in southeast Australia. ASLO Aquatic Sciences, June.
2021: Kobayashi, T., J. Miller, R.J. SHIEL, H. Segers & S.J. Hunter.Species diversity and conservation of wetland zooplankton in an Australian inland catchment. Japan Wetland Society, online 11 Sept.
2022: Giatas, G., C. Bice, S. Catalano, D. Furst, R. SHIEL, R. Oliver, B. Zampatti & Q. Ye. Ontogenetic diet shifts by Murray cod in the lower River Murray. AFSB, Gold Coast, November